About Sarah Marie

Sarah Marie has an extensive background in social work and advocacy, including work in sexual assault crisis, maternal and infant health, and substance misuse disorder and recovery.

A licensed massage therapist, Reiki practitioner of the Mikao Usui lineage, and a certified Access Consciousness Bars Facilitator, Sarah Marie’s work is also informed by her practices of sacred dance and shamanism, and is trauma informed.

Sarah Marie is a certified Non-Linear Movement Method teacher.

Sarah Marie has completed CranioSacral Therapy 1, CranioSacral 2, SomatoEmotional Release 1 training with the Upledger Institute as well as John F. Barnes Myofascial Release 1.

Most recently, Sarah Marie has completed a 3-month, 60-hour Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy Certificate Program.

Sarah Marie’s approach

Sarah Marie’s aim is to create a safe, supportive environment that soothes the nervous system and supports overall healing. Her bodywork style is on the slower side, and is infused with full presence and mindfulness. Sarah Marie is trauma informed and listens intently to adapt to meet specific requests. She believes finding the right approach and practitioner for you is important. Please feel free to contact Sarah Marie to discuss her approach.

Random, fun facts

Mom to three teenagers, a German Shepherd, and a Maine Coon; I also work as a court coordinator for an infant/toddler program; favorite places include Big Sur, Manzanita, Cape Cod, WNC, and my backyard; nature, art, dancing, and music are salves for my soul; I could live off dark chocolate and almond butter.

Flower Zen Tranquil Lotus  - colourinfusion / Pixabay

I am so glad you visited my site. Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Knoxville Healing Center

313 N Forest Park Blvd

Knoxville, TN 37919

(865) 660-3224